Air Duct Cleaning Methods and Equipment

Everyone is aware of how important it is to clean the air ducts. Keeping the air ducts clean increases an individual’s dependency on distinct air duct cleaning Nashville experts. If you’ve hired such experts, you may have noticed they have many cleaning equipment and are very well aware of the cleaning methods. Do you what they are, and how do they perform those cleaning methods? If not, we have the answer to your question. Yes, we have covered the air duct cleaning equipment and methods an expert uses to clean the air ducts. Let’s enjoy a look-

Air Duct Cleaning Equipment

Acquire the right tools and equipment for air duct cleaning-

1. Vacuum Cleaner

2. Brush

3. Screwdriver

4. Cleaning Cloths or Paper Towels

5. Furnace Filter

Steps on Cleaning your Air Ducts and Vents

  1. Source Removal

The first method of air duct cleaning is quite a common and highly recommended one nowadays. It’s an effective method to remove dirt and debris from the air ducts and clean the system completely. This source removal method includes the two most essential elements, i.e., mechanical agitation and extraction. 

  • Mechanical agitation: It loosens the dust and dirt from the walls of air ducts.
  • Extraction: On the other hand, extraction removes the said particles from your system.
  1. Steam Air Duct Cleaning

Steam air duct cleaning is another effective air duct cleaning method that involves high temperature and pressure steam into the duct that loosens the dust particles, dirt, and debris from its walls. Today, modern technologies have been introduced that made air duct cleaning easier, so team cleaning is not considered much recommended. The reason behind its limited use is the introduction of moisture causing damage to the HVAC systems. 

  1. Truck-Mounted Vacuum Cleaning

In such air duct and chimney cleaning services, a vacuum from the truck equipped with trunk lines of the vent systems is utilized. The vent system features rotary brushes that help lose the dust, dirt, and debris and bring it to the collection point. Although this method holds several benefits, many companies don’t use it as it has a high chance of cross-contaminating your HVAC. 

Final Words

Here, we have covered everything you need to know about the air duct cleaning methods and equipment used. Although you can accomplish the air duct cleaning yourself, it is good to hire experts for efficient cleaning. They are experts and will perform the job efficiently and effectively.